Monday, December 04, 2017

Maybe you dream of being on a stage, lights flashing, with a crowd screaming back the words to a song you wrote. Or maybe you see yourself starting an orphanage in Africa. You might even be dreaming of earning an Olympic gold medal! You’ve prayed about it and asked Jesus to show you His will for your life, but you don’t know where to start. Here’s the lowdown on how God helped these top music artists fulfill their dreams, and how He’ll help you too!

When I was in my teen years, my life was really affected by a band called Dogwood that played every Saturday night at a coffee house in Nashville. I don’t know that I ever woke up one day and said, “God I believe you’re leading me to do this.” I had a passion for music, and a passion about faith. I still do. I know some people had that big sort of epiphany moment, but I think for most of us there are the things in life that energize us, and they are connected to the gifts that God gives us. I tell my kids all the time, find something you’re passionate about because then you’ll want to get out of bed tomorrow and pursue that. The fact that it includes telling people about Jesus makes it especially rewarding. 

It's so important to understand how much God loves you! The more you learn about who God is, through reading your bible, reading devotions and books by biblical teachers and writers, as well as growing in a real personal relationship with God through prayer (talking with God) and praise and worship, the more you will begin to see your life through God's loving eyes. Once you gain God's perspective on your life, the decisions that once seemed so confusing, and the fear of failure that so frequently haunts us, no longer seems so overwhelming. Then, we are free to walk by faith down the path God reveals to us.

My advice would be to spend as much time as you can with God seeking Him and getting to know his word. That will prepare you for everything ahead. With your dreams, lay them at Gods feet and surrender totally. Then serve and love others as your main aim in life, and never use people. Make relationships the most valued thing in your world. and all the rest will fall into place. Dreams can sometimes make people self centered and slip into a 'user' mentality. So love, serve, give and God will open the doors for you!


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